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High Energy Theory Seminar 2021-2022

All talks are at 11am in 469 Lauritsen (unless otherwise noted) in a hybrid format.

Must have valid Caltech ID to attend talk in 469.

The organizer for this seminar series is Monica Kang.

The google calendar link for high energy theory seminar is here.


Date Speaker Affiliation Title
Oct 1 Xingyang Yu NYU 2d N=(0,1) gauge theories, Spin(7) orientifolds and triality
Oct 7 (*9am*) Geoff Penington UC Berkeley Quantum minimal surfaces from quantum error correction
Oct 8 Blazej Ruba Jagellonian University Higher lattice gauge theories
Oct 15 Yiming Chen Princeton Aspects of the black hole/string transition
Oct 22 Adam Levine IAS Imaging the quantum extremal surface
Oct 29 Akhil Premkumar UCSD Regulating Loops in dS
Nov 5
Monica Guica IPhT Saclay JTbar-deformed CFTs as non-local CFTs
Nov 12 Fei Yan Rutgers Fun with SUSY defects
Nov 19 Andy Strominger Harvard w(1+infinty) and the Symmetries of Nature
Nov 26 no seminar Thanksgiving holiday
Dec 3 Clay Cordova U Chicago Non-Invertible Duality Defects
Dec 10 (*11am*)
Wati Taylor MIT New perspectives on chiral matter, standard model constructions, and mirror symmetry from F-theory geometry
Christoph Keller Arizona University Extremal CFTs and Lattice Orbifolds
Winter Break - - -
Jan 7 Miroslav Rapcak UC Berkeley Branes, Quivers and BPS Algebras
Jan 14 Sridip Pal IAS Automorphic Spectra and the Conformal Bootstrap
Jan 21 - - canceled
Jan 28 (*11am*)
Jacques Distler UT Austin Distinguishing (S)CFTs
(*1pm*) Manki Kim MIT D-instanton Superpotential in String Theory
Feb 4 Hubert Saleur USC The O(n) and S_Q Conformal Field Theories in 2 dimensions
Feb 11 Josephine Suh KITP Quantum gravity from probability
Feb 18 Eva Silverstein Stanford de Sitter Microstates from a solvable generalization of the T-Tbar deformation
Feb 22 (Tuesday 11:30am) Juan Maldacena IAS Some comments on supersymmetric JT gravity and SYK
Feb 25 (*11am*) Raphael Bousso UC Berkeley Singularities From Entropy
(*1pm) Sergei Gukov Caltech What is (the physics of) TMF?
March 4 (*11am*) Thomas Dumitrescu UCLA Soft Supersymmetry Breaking in 4d N=2 Gauge Theories
(*1pm*) Yifan Wang NYU Bootstrapping Boundaries and Branes
March 11 Nati Seiberg IAS Exotic Field Theories: Lifshitz Theory, Tensor Gauge Theory, and Fractons
-Spring Break - - -
April 1 (*105 Annenberg*) Mike Freedman UCSB/Microsoft *Joint IQIM seminar, Annenberg 105* A mathematical definition of the abelian group Q(X) := quantum cellular automata / finite depth quantum circuits and ancilla residing on a space X
April 8 Martin Kruczenski Purdue The S-matrix bootstrap in two and four dimensions: primal and dual problem
April 15 Scott Collier Princeton Semiclassical 3D gravity as an average of large-c CFT
April 22 Ruben Monten UCLA Interacting boundary gravitons
April 29 (*11am*) Herman Verlinde Princeton On the quantum information content of a Hawking pair
(*1pm*) Kihong Lee KAIST Higgs, Coulomb, and Hall-Littlewood
May 6 Tom Faulkner UIUC Multi-way cuts from reflected entropy in random tensor networks
May 13 Luca Iliesiu Stanford From statistical mechanics to microstate counting in the gravitational path integral
May 20 Al Shapere Kentucky Quantum Error Correcting Codes in CFTs
May 27 Zhenbin Yang Stanford Firewalls from wormholes