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High Energy Physics Seminars 2021-22

Effective Spring Term 2022, all seminars are at 4pm in 469 unless specified..

Zoom link, inquire for password to attend via Zoom

In person talks are limited to those w/a valid Caltech ID.

The organizers of this seminar are Andreas Helset, Clara Murgui and Julio Parra-Martinez.


Date Name Affiliation Title
4-Oct *12 PM* Zoom Ilaria Brivio Heidelberg The SMEFT program at the LHC
11-Oct Yikun Wang Caltech Electroweak Bubble Wall Velocity
18-Oct Mikhail Ivanov IAS, Princeton EFT on the sky: from galaxies to black holes
25-Oct Enrico Herrmann UCLA Collider physics tools for classical gravitational wave observables
1-Nov *12 PM* Zoom Djuna Croon Durham Rethinking false vacuum decay
8-Nov No seminar
15-Nov Cari Cesarotti Harvard University Searching for New Physics at Future Muon Colliders
22-Nov Zoom Peizhi Du Stony Brook New backgrounds and new ideas for sub-GeV dark matter direct detection
29-Nov Zoom Xiaochuan Lu U. Oregon Is SMEFT Enough?
6-Dec Brent William Stone UCLA A search for heavy resonances decaying to HH in final states with leptons and a bottom quark pair in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV.
13-Dec Kathryn Sutton Caltech MicroBooNE's Search for the MiniBooNE Low Energy Excess
Winter Break
10-Jan *9:45 am* Zoom Giuseppe Bevilacqua University of Siena Dressing and Tuning -Dressing of a spin 1/2 system
17-Jan no seminar MLK Jr. Day holiday
18-Jan - POSTPONED Jiangai Liu Shanghai University TBD
24-Jan Victor Gorbenko Stanford Analyticity and Unitarity for Cosmological Correlators
31-Jan Matteo Cremonesi University of Notre Dame Turning the LHC to the Dark Side: The Standard Dark Matter Search Approach, Its Limitations, and How to Overcome Them
7-Feb Zoom Cristian Peña Fermilab Unlocking the CMS Experiment to Catch Long-lived Particles
14-Feb Ian Moult Yale Conformal Colliders Meet the LHC
21-Feb no seminar President's Day holiday
24-Feb *1pm in 469 Lauritsen* Jonathan Ouellet MIT Searches for New Physics at the Edge of Absolute Zero
28-Feb Ryan Plestid University of Kentucky Coulomb enhancements for fundamental physics
7-Mar Zoom *10 am* Prateek Agrawal Oxford Axion Strings in the Sky
Spring Recess
28-Mar Yiming Zhong KICP, U. Chicago Precision Calculation of Inflation Correlators at One Loop
1-Apr *4pm* Joachim Kopp CERN, U. Mainz Dark Matter from Cosmological Phase Transitions
4-Apr *1pm* Eliezer Rabinovici CERN, H. U. Jerusalem Persistent Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking at High Temperatures
4-Apr *4pm* Zoom Michael Dine UCSC Light Quarks at Large N
11-Apr Mario Reig Oxford The axion-photon coupling and grand unified theories
18-Apr *12pm* Zoom Clifford Burgess Perimeter, McMaster U Surprising and Dark Implications of a Supersymmetric Gravity Sector
25-Apr No seminar
2-May Zoom Michael Ramsey-Musolf T.D. Lee Institute/Shanghai Jiao Tong U.,
U Mass Amherst.
Was There an Electroweak Phase Transition?
9-May Saptaparna Bhattacharya Northwestern University An experimental overview of effective  field theory exploration
at the LHC
16-May no seminar
30-May no seminar Memorial Day holiday