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High Energy Physics Seminars 2023-2024

All seminars are at 4pm in 469 unless specified.

Zoom link, inquire for password to attend via Zoom

In person talks are limited to those w/a valid Caltech ID.

The organizers of this seminar are Ryan Plestid and Yikun Wang


Date Name Affiliation Title
15-Sept @1pm
special date and time
Aman Singal Stony Brook Going beyond the Standard Model with linear response theory
2-Oct Ryan Janish Fermilab Light Shining Through a Thin Wall: Evanescent Hidden Photon Detection
9-Oct Wouter Dekens INT, U. Washington Neutrinoless double beta decay in effective field theory
16-Oct Chiara Salemi KICP, Stanford/SLAC Qubit-based sensing for axion dark matter
19-Oct @noon
special date at time
Aurora Ireland U. Chicago Supermassive primordial black holes from inflation
23-Oct Michael Mackenzie Northwestern U. The search for µ− → e+ conversion at µ− → e− conversion experiments
special date
Brooke Russell LBL The 2x2 Demonstrator - A demonstrator for the DUNE ND-LAr Near Detector based on the ArgonCube Design
30-Oct Kevin Zhou Stanford U. Electromagnetism and Gravity with Continuous Spin
6-Nov Prineha Narang UCLA Axion electrodynamics through the lens of condensed matter
9-Nov @noon
special date and time
Mehrdad Phoroutan-Mehr UC, Riverside Constraints on WIMP Dark Matter Models with Astrophysical Observations
13-Nov Kelly Stifter SLAC Leveraging quantum sensors to shine new light on searches for low-mass dark matter
20-Nov Amalia Madden Perimeter Institute The Piezoaxionic Effect: dark matter detection and new forces
27-Nov Jure Zupan U. Cincinnati Prospecting for new physics using muons
special date
Stephen Hsu Michigan State Quantum Hair and Black Hole Information
Dec 4 Kevin McFarland U. Rochester Neutrino Scattering for Neutrino Oscillations
Dec 5
special date
Alexander Kish Fermilab State-of-the art R&D on optical photon detection at Fermilab
Winter Break
8-Jan Inbar Savoray UC Berkeley Learning New Physics from Data – a Symmetrized Approach
Special date/time (noon)
Richard Ruiz IFJ PAN Life at a Multi-TeV Muon Collider
special date
Julia Gonski SLAC Machine Learning and Microelectronics for 'New' New Physics Searches at the Energy Frontier
special date
Abhisek Datta UCLA Measurements of Higgs Boson Properties with the CMS Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider
15-Jan No seminar Martin Luther King Jr. day
special date/time (2pm)
Michael Ramsey-Musolf TD Lee Institute/Shanghai Jiao Tong U
UMass Amherst
Probing the Electroweak Phase Transition: Collider-Gravitational Wave Complementarity
special date
Ken Van Tilburg NYU Extended-Path Intensity Correlation (EPIC)
special date
Jennet Dickinson Fermilab Boosted Higgs production and smart trackers of the future
22-Jan Elena Pinetti Fermilab & KICP Probing dark matter with cosmic voids
29-Jan Seminar Cancelled ---
5-Feb - POSTPONED (see below) --- ---
12-Feb Nashwan Sabti Johns Hopkins Cosmology and the high-redshift Universe
*changed from 06-Feb*
Chiara Salemi SLAC Seeing the invisible: the search for low-mass axion dark matter with DMRadio
19-Feb No seminar President's Day holiday
*changed from 05-Feb*
Benjamin Lillard U. Oregon Molecules For Dark Matter Detection
26-Feb Akshay Ghalsasi U. Pittsburgh Gravitational Waves from NNaturalness
4-Mar Anirudh Prabhu Princeton Axions in High-Energy Astrophysical Plasmas
12-Mar Tiziano Campores Boston University Neutrino Physics at the LHC : the SND@LHC experiment
Spring Recess
1-Apr Biplab Dey Eötvös U. Journeys beyond the Standard Model in the flavor and dark sectors at LHCb and CODEX-b
2-Apr (Updated -Special Date) Matteo Cremonesi Carnegie Mellon Using Machine Learning to Deal with the Data from the CMS High-Granularity Calorimeter
8-Apr Cristina Mantilla Suarez Fermilab The accelerator-driven hunt for hidden sector dark matter in the US
15-Apr Sam Homiller Harvard Flavorful New Physics and Wrinkles in the Froggatt-Nielsen Mechanism
22-Apr Huangyu Xiao Fermilab & KICP Detecting Dark Matter Substructures on Small Scales with Fast Radio Bursts
29-Apr Yohei Ema U. Minnesota & FTPI Indirect probes of muon EDM and spin force
6-May Gonzalo Alonso-Alvarez U. Toronto The role of dark matter in supermassive black hole mergers
special date
Sebastian Ellis Geneva U. Dark Matter Signals from the Ionosphere
13-May Zhiquan Sun MIT Heavy quark transverse momentum-dependent fragmentation
20-May - *rescheduled to May 28* Masha Baryakhtar U. Washington Cosmology with varying constants: hyperlight, coupled scalars across cosmic history
23-May @noon
special date at time
Yannis Georis Louvain University From the early Universe to colliders: Low-scale leptogenesis
27-May No seminar Memorial Day holiday
30-May @noon
special date at time
Gramos Qerimi Tech U., (TUM) Effective field theory treatment of the freeze-out mechanism of thermal non-relativistic dark matter pairs
special seminar
Glennys Farrar NYU Unexplained "invisible" final states in the charmonium region
special seminar
Stephen Hsu Michigan State University Black Hole Information and Replica Wormholes