Quantum Computation

Go to home page for Ph219/CS219 in past years.

Course description: This course covers quantum information theory, quantum algorithms, and quantum error correction.

Class meetings: Monday and Wednesday 2:30-3:55 in 269 Lauritsen.


John Preskill, 206 Annenberg, X-6691, email: preskill(at)caltech(dot)edu

Teaching assistant:

Charles Xu, email: cxu3(at)caltech(dot)edu
Office hours: Tuesdays 4:00--5:30pm in 238 Annenberg (during weeks when problems are due)

Lectures and references:
The primary reference for most of the lectures will be these lecture notes (JP). Other useful books are Quantum Computation and Quantum Information by Nielsen and Chuang (NC), Classical and Quantum Computation by Kitaev, Shen, and Vyalyi (KSV), Quantum Computing Since Democritus by Aaronson, and Quantum Information Theory by Wilde.

Other recommended lecture notes: John Watrous, Umesh Vazirani, Andrew Childs, Scott Aaronson

Course outline for winter term:
(Professor Kitaev lectured for the first five weeks of the term.)
Good references on quantum error correction are this review by Gottesman, and this review by Terhal. See also JP Chapter 7.
Handwritten lecture notes on toric code recovery, fault-tolerant recovery, fault-tolerant gates

Lecture 1 (Feb 13): Fault-tolerant quantum memory
Lecture 2 (Feb 15): Fault-tolerant quantum computing
Lecture 3 (Feb 22): Measurement-based quantum computing and cluster states
Notes on cluster states
Lecture 4 (Feb 29): Color codes – Alex Kubica and Tomas Jochym-O’Connor
Notes on color codes
Lecture 5 (Mar 1): Cluster states and SPT phases
Lecture 6 (Mar 6): Bounds on [[n,k,d]] for local stabilizer codes
Lecture 7 (Mar 8): Topological codes and the Clifford hierarchy

Course outline for spring term:
The main topics covered will be topological quantum  computing (JP Chapter 9) and quantum Shannon theory (JP Chapter 10). If time allows, we’ll cover an additional topic at the end of term --- perhaps quantum simulation of physical systems.

Lecture 1 (April 3): Indistinguishable particles, abelian anyons, braid group
Lecture 2 (April 5): Topological degeneracy, toric code accuracy threshold
Lecture 3 (April 10): Quantum double models
Lecture 4 (April 12): Computing with quantum-double anyons
Lecture 5 (April 17): Anyon models, F and R matrices (Alex)
Lecture 6 (April 19): Simulating anyons with a quantum computer (Tomas)
Lecture 7 (April 24): Universal computation with Fibonacci anyons.
Lecture 8 (April 26): Ising anyons and Majorana modes

Lecture 9 (May 1): Shannon entropy and classical compression (Tomas)
Lecture 10 (May 3): Classical noisy channel coding theorem (Tomas)

Homework assignments: 
All students taking the course for credit are required to do the homework. 

Problem Set 3. Quantum codes and fault tolerance. Due Thursday 9 March 2017

Problem Set 4. Fibonacci anyons. Due Thursday 4 May 2017

Problem Set 5. Von Neumann entropy. Due Thursday 25 May 2017